Wood Designer forum
Cnc-cutting depth and number of passes|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
August 7, 2014
Hi Michael,
In the pp setup under profiling, you can find the parameter “tool vertical overlap”. There you can mention the 0.2 value through the panel
for the 2mm second pass I have no idea if and how this is done in Biessenest, but in Polyboard you can use the residual thickness parameter that should leave that value for a second pass. This will be for all parts, but it is always better to cut through a part with less material resistance even if it is a bigger part
April 20, 2022
hello there!
fairly new to polyboard and just learning, been playing with exporting to Cnc (biessenest cid) and when I optimise it flags that the profiling is to deep.
1. where can I set this parameter up to be 0.2mm past the piece?
2. on some smaller pieces i like to do 2 passes with final pass 2mm holding its position better, is this done within polyboard first or biesseworks after ?
thank you
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