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November 8, 2013

Hi Peter, bit of a nightmare! I’ll email you to get this sorted out. All the best, Stefan

November 8, 2013

Hi Peter, I’ve just emailed you the activation code. All the best, Stefan

Hi Ness
I was going to contact you tonight my time, so good timing.
I have used Progecad,s 30 day trial and was quite impressed by it, Its been awhile since I have used Autocad but the process came back to me pretty quickly.
I have loaded DraftSight trial version and played around with it, Its ok but I felt more comfortable with Progecad.
So can you send me the activation code.
All good here we are just getting into winter here, rainy days and chilly nights so the seasons are changing.
Hope all is going ok over your way
Many thanks

October 4, 2012

Hello Peter,
I’ve just downloaded the 2016 version of ProgeCad and I must say that I’m quite impressed.
I was thinking of not continuing selling ProgeCad because of my experience of the last version ProgeCad 2014.
This version was slow, some 3D functions didin’t work and DXF imported from StairDesigner would crash the program when adding dimensions.
As I mainly use CAD to edit DXf files and use 3D for presentations and calculating handrails, ProgeCad seemed of little use to me.
However at first glance these issues seem to have been fixed and the program has some neat new functions that remake it an interesting alternative to AutoCad.
Draftsight is a great little program for simple 2D work and it’s free, but the new 2016 version has some simple 2d/3d tools for modeling rooms that make it easy to draw floor plans, and make 3D presentation quickly, and in this version they all seem to work well.
So in the end I think that we will continue to offer ProgeCad 2016.
I haven’t thoroughly tested the program yet, but these are just my first impressions.
I’ll be happy to hear what you think.
All the best,

October 4, 2012

Hi Peter,
Give both Draftsight and ProgeCad a try and tell us what you think will be best for you.
Keep us updated…….
All the best,

October 4, 2012

Hi Peter,
If you are only looking to draw 2D try Draftsight it’s free, writes DXF and is a very clean bit of software that is bug free.
It’s made by Dassault the same people who make SolidWorks and is a sort of introductory program to encourage people by SolidWorks.
I suggest you give it a try and if it suits you, we’ll refund you the ProgeCad payment.
All the best,

Hi Ness
Thanks for the quick reply
I use cad for designing shapes and drilling pattens for my Cnc so that I can save them in Dfx format.
I have used Turbocad for many years but over that
Does Draftsight export in dfx
have tried the 30 day demo on progecad and found it ok as I am only looking for 2d drawings and the occasional floor plan

October 4, 2012

Hi Peter,
Thanks for buying ProgeCad from our web site.
You can download the trial version here:
(EDIT: we no longer offer ProgeCad so this link has been removed)
As it’s a bank holiday, I can get back to you tomorrow with your activation but for the moment the trail version is fully activated for 30 days.
However can you tell me what you will be using ProgeCad for?
We are thinking of discontinuing selling ProgeCad as the latests version are not up to the performance standards that I would like.
I used to use if for a bit of 2d drawing, 3D modeling and creating photo-realistic images from StairDesigner models.,
However, the last versions have had a lot of bugs and I have found the program unstable and very slow.
Today I prefer to use Draftsight that’s free, for 2d drawing and SketchUp for 3D presentations.
If you have a specific reason for buying Progecad I’ll send you the user code but we can also refund you if you decide to not buy it.
I’d suggest that you try the trial version for a week or two and I’ll send you the activation code if you need it.
All the best,
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