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November 8, 2013

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November 8, 2013

OptiCut 6.08d is now available to download.
Tension free cuts
This function has been extended to the PTX 1.15 post processor output (a very commonly accepted format).
New cutting list Insert command to aid organisation of the cutting list
This is similar to the New command for adding a new part to the cutting list, except it will insert the part above the currently selected part rather than at the end of the list.
Addition of Slovenian language
New Strips grouping feature
This has been added to OptiCut’s optimisation parameters. It can be turned on and off, and an associated slider is available to fine tune its impact.
When applied it avoids a cutting line continuing across an off-cut area, this generates more reusable off-cuts as shown below (strip grouping applied in the image on the right).

November 8, 2013

OptiNest 3.02f is now available to download.
New rotation angle correction parameter for auto labelling CNC machines.
Improved organisation of DXF export so files are sorted into folders per material rather than into a single folder.
New select / multi-select feature to copy a part from a nesting pattern and paste it into the parts list.

November 8, 2013

OptiNest 3.02 is now available to download.
Label enhancements
These changes make it easier and faster to apply labels to the correct part and ensure they are correctly orientated.
A positional arrow can be displayed, adjust the label so the arrow points upwards and any edging shown on the label will correspond to the correct location on the actual part.
A new nesting pattern visual shows the position of the part on the pattern.
In addition, data fields can now be displayed as QR codes as well as text or barcodes.
Finally, a new CYC file format is available for automatic label application.
Also included is the addition of a new accelerator to the DXF importer, useful for segment heavy files.

November 8, 2013

OptiCut 6.07 is now available to download and includes the following new features:
Label data fields, for example the file name, can now be printed as QR codes.
The number of cutting lines is now displayed in the properties window.
Configurable references can be added to the perfect grain function.
Update to the advanced optimization parameters, new option to add one recut level depending on the first cut direction; improves performance on certain models of asymmetrically constrained CNC saws.

November 8, 2013

OptiNest 3.00a (edit: 3.00b) is now available to download.
This is a major update of OptiNest and currently includes the following features to support high-end manufacturing, including:
- New property windows to view and edit parameters
- Multi-material part lists and stocks
- Save/Restore settings commands
- Additional part references from PolyBoard can now appear on the labels e.g. machining face
- More new features expected in the coming weeks including for labels
The following two images provide an overview of the new user interface and the additional reference option.
Please contact our support team if you are thinking about upgrading your OptiNest 2 licence, or are thinking about a initial order of the software.

November 8, 2013

OptiCut 6.05g is now available for download.
This includes a Turkish language translation.
It also includes some minor changes to the PTX post processor output of OptiCut Pro PP, and additional minor bug fixes.

November 8, 2013

OptiCut 6.05b is now available for download on our website, and includes the following updates:
Edge bander compensation
If the edge bander removes all or part of the edging thickness, OptiCut will remove only the complement (3 options are available to manage this). More information is available in the Help Centre here: OptiCut net versus overall dimensions.
Hide prices
This option hides all pricing information on the printed optimisation results.
Group similar cutting patterns for PTX output
The “Group similar cutting patterns” option is now compatible with the PTX post processor.
Part references on half page printed results
The half page printed results include a list of parts. The part reference is now shown next to the part dimensions.

November 8, 2013

OptiCut 6.04f is now available for download on our website.
This update includes:
- Grain management bug fix
- Post processor modification to comply with the latest Felder CNC saw specifications (Mayer PC7000)
- A new option to generate off-cuts before parts, this includes a threshold parameter that limits this priority to
off-cuts larger than a percentage of the panel surface, see image below
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