Wood Designer forum
Rule paste Label on panel|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Hung,
The label number should match the part number on the print outs.
If you have printed the drawing of the part on the label it will help you orient the part and eventually the way you stick the label.
Best regards,
Dear Ness,
I have next problem: after print label with piece number – so can not recognize direction of label and piece.
please see this link: https://wooddesigner.org/forum…..-optinest/
October 4, 2012
The panel number labels printed on the sheet of label will make it easier to see which sheet each set of labels refer to. It’s then easy to look at the printing map and match the label number with the part number.
Best regards,
After optinest on panel , How can I know which panel on CNC table to paste the label. Please show me the rule of them: follow the column or line? and paste the label belong X axis or Y axis (it’s important for edgding). I don’t know the rule, i have just see on print preview and recognize which panel then paste the label name of panel base location on print peview. Take along time for me and some
time not correctThanks
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