Wood Designer forum
Specific Trim Edges|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
August 7, 2014
Hi Dean,
There is currently no other solution.
If you use a “Min” option, knowing that the default specific trim cut value is nil, you must start by setting
this value equal to the standard value for all panels (using CTRL A) before individual adjustments.
The way you do it now is the only current solution
August 7, 2014
Hi Dean,
I understand what you mean. Currently, we only have the max value. I have passed it to the developers to see if there is another solution.
I keep you posted
September 1, 2022
Hi Alex,
Really appreciate the help and don’t mean to sound rude but the reason I am questioning it is I do not understand what you replied as it is very broken English.
Again, the help is appreciated. Can I just clarify you mean;
The best way is to set the GENERAL TRIM to 0mm and on every added panel I choose the trim in SPECIFIC TRIM? This seems laborious and easy to make a mistake. Is there no other way?
January 20, 2017
Hi ,
I have just explained all possibilities,
and like I said in my previous post
“After your are free to use the most useful for you, for exemples 0mm to generals then 10 mm for some panels “
If you set generals trims cuts to “0 mm” and “10 mm” in specific section from specified panel into panel stock
the panels specified have only 10 mm cut-outs, but not the rest,
you can mode “Max thickness Compensation” an few edge on panel , with 8mm edges for exemple , on 2/3 edges to reduce only those edges from panel
For OptiCut, if you add edges, this means that you are asking it to deduct them.
King regard, Alex
January 20, 2017
* For Trim Cuts you have 2 levels, from Optimization parameters (generals) AND from panels Stocks (Specific)
Then from Optimization parameters you have choice to select General and/or Specific
After your are free to use the most useful for you, for exemples 0mm to generals then 10 mm for some panels
* For edges, you can choose to see the overall (finished) dimension or the net dimension, which deducts the edge thickness by default.
(No edge thickness Compensation)
after you have “Max thickness Compensation”, if your edge bander can only deducts 2mm set this parameter to 2mm, and you using 10mm edges, 8mm are deducts from OC
Then “Fixed” deducts edges thickness and add the fixed value
In all case a new optimisation is required to update
Cheers, Alex
September 1, 2022
Hi folks,
I have set my standard trim edges to 10mm as I am using jumbo boards which usually come very rough. I have a couple of panels which are edged that I would like to put into stock that already have edges… I tried using specific trim edges but that seems to ADD to the 10mm (i.e. 10+8 specific). So 2 questions;
1) Can I OVERRIDE this, not add to?
2) Can I tell opticut not to worry about trim edges on some panels?
Dean @ Rooms Made Simple
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