Wood Designer forum
3d-Cylinde-Accessories|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
January 20, 2017
yes length is given by the material thickness (that can be used for shelves or another part of cabinet)
and when you apply an inner tooling by default the NIL parameter is set to NO to give here the material thickness (red circle)
and set the original material of the shelves to the NIL material (green circle)
All the best, Alexandre
Thanks Alex,
So I have problem with “inner-tooling”
The lenght of Cylinder = Thickness of material of Fix shelve ??
When inner Tooling: It drill a circle on Fix shelve (move inside cylinder and keep outside) ==> How to set for keep inside cylinder and move outsite material like your example??
January 20, 2017
The easy solution is to design a cylinder with inner tooling and export it in DXF 3D,
Set Smoothing to 0, so you don’t have too much detail in the 3D model
Tools>Preferences>Smoothing 0
then import here into the 3D accessories lib.
Add it in single panel fittings
Hope that’s helpful,
Cheers, Alexandre
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