Wood Designer forum
7.07hCrashing when opening |Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

August 7, 2014

Hi Kjetil,
This is caused by the parameter you chose. ” positioning = distance from the drawer bottom”
This parameter is set in the bottom reference of the drawer box. The drawer bottom in PB is the lower part of the drawer front. This can be confusing sometimes.
The below image shows you this. So in this case when you put your drawer as applied you do not have sufficient space between the drawer box bottom and the cabinet volume
cabinet bottom panel is 16mm. When the front is applied you have a 1.5mm recess which results in a 14.5mm drawer face overlay. As you set the parameter to 14mm the box crashes into the cabinet volume. As a test, you can just change to 14.5mm and it will work but the box will be on top of the volume bottom which is something you do not want.
It is best to work with the parameter ( distance from the Bottom of the zone inside). This way the drawer box bottom will always look at the zone inside the cabinet and respect that distance. You avoid at all times crashing your drawer box into the volume bottom.

January 20, 2017

can you upload one cabinet with this problem
and give me more details
Best wishes, Alexandre

January 20, 2017

hi, licence are ok?
well return to “An unexpected Error occurred upon loading Methods” ?
a can look between 13h15 to 14h15 (paris +gmt) by Zoom
But I, don’t speech English

January 20, 2017

Did you delete or rename the folder?
If you only rename, just rename libs_old, to libs should resolved this.
If Polyboard return to “An unexpected Error occurred upon loading Methods” let me know when we can make screen sharing session
to make my best for don’t loose your work
All the best, Alexandre
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