Wood Designer forum
Bug - Mortice and Tennon on an angled unit|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
January 20, 2017
The problem has been identified and will be corrected in the next version.
All the best, Alex
October 3, 2022
We have a product that is a corner TV unit, the backs of the product have angled backs at 45 degrees to the front. We have 2 vertical divisions that are perpendicular to the fronts, these are morticed and tenoned to the top and bottom of the unit for location.
The mortice is not big enough for the tenon at the rear of the unit, you can see that it is going to be short on the 3D view. This looks like it must be a bug – we have this same unit in multiple different sizes and they all have the same issue.
Our post is set up so it extends the grooves the correct amount to allow for our tooling radius. But even with this groove extension it is not enough to allow these parts to be successfully assembled.
We are currently using Polyboard 7.12D, I have emailed the file into support so someone can look at it.
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