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Cabinet lite pro|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

October 4, 2012

HI Jay,
Here are you cutting lists and optimisations with grain.
All the best,

October 4, 2012

Hi Jay,
Here are you files.
Hope everything is set up to your convenience.
All the best,

October 4, 2012

Hi Jay,
A couple of last points to clear before I process,
– edging is set at 1mm is this correct or would you like me to change?
– sorry but my phrasing was a bit ambiguous about net sizes , what I need to know is if you want the cutting lists to produces the sizes with or without edging?
It’s late here, so I’ll try to send you the files first thing tomorrow.
All the best,

Hi Ness,
Thanks for checking through the designs and making the required changes
Ref to your questions:
– Do you have any preferences for the DXF layer names? No Prefrence
– Do you want labels, if so what information would you like on them? yes, Location and Size
– Do you need bar codes on the labels, if so what set up do need ? here’s a list of the types we can output : No
– do you have any preferences of the cutting list set up ?No
– I have set the output to the net dimensions that’s without edging deducted, is that correct? (this depends on your edge bander, does it calibrate whether it calibrate before edging or not) Yes
– would you like me to add an extra 5mm to the panels for calibrating on the cnc? Please note also that the price is set up at 80€ per m² is that correct? – See more at: https://wooddesigner.org/forum…..FormAnchor Yes could you add 5mm to the panels, will have to check costs for panels and amend later.
Thanks and ok to proceed

October 4, 2012

Hi Jay,
Looking over your project, I’ve made a couple of minor adjustments:
– cabinet wardrobe with shelf had no fixing on the shelf so I added some Rafix
– Chest 1 had a RAfix-p19 for 19mm panels that I changed to p16, like the others
– The overhead cabinets had a bottom to right side link using Minifix that I changed to Rafix
I also noticed that there was no edging so I put some basic edging using the “0-edging/all-010” sub-method.
The edging 010 is set to 1mm thick but you can set it to the required thickness as necessary.
I attach the modified project with it’s workshop document, please check and change or change back as needed.
When you are OK with the project I’ll send you the manufacturing files.
To get the best setup for your files, can you tell me:
– Do you have any preferences for the DXF layer names?
– Do you want labels, if so what information would you like on them?
– Do you need bar codes on the labels, if so what set up do need ?
here’s a list of the types we can output :
– do you have any preferences of the cutting list set up ?
– I have set the output to the net dimensions that’s without edging deducted, is that correct? (this depends on your edge bander, does it calibrate whether it calibrate before edging or not)
– would you like me to add an extra 5mm to the panels for calibrating on the cnc?
Please note also that the price is set up at 80€ per m² is that correct?
All the best,

Hi Stefan, Ness.
Further to our telephone call could you take a look at the showroom project for us for review and output codes as discussed,
The 2 CNC machines we have are SCM Record 1 and Wadkin ux both machines are running with art-cam express and require DXF Files
Refrence to hardware that we will be using to assemble the cabinets are Hafele Rafix-se housing with ridge 16mm could you please check to see whether we have applied these correctly
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