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January 20, 2017

Hi Ness,
That works like inner tooling with axes reversed and surface is set up like drilling on edge
You or the developer team can call me when we need more information 😉
All the best, Alex

October 4, 2012

Hi Alex,
Thanks for this information.
Does the Polyboard Xilog file automatically set up the tooling face on the edge or do you have to set it manually once the Polyboard file loaded into Xilog?
Best regards,

October 4, 2012

Hi Grover,
Our developer team is ready to add edge grooving in the Homag and SCM post processor if they have the coding information. This can be added to next version of Polyboard.
best regards,

October 4, 2012

Hi Grover,
You can write a macro in Xilog (SCM) or WoodWop (Homag) that you call from the Polyboard inner tooling functions.
The problem with this is that you can only call the macro as an inner tooling, and this only let’s you machine on the face of you part and not one the edge. Hardware will let you machine a groove on the edge but doesn’t let you call a Xilog or WoodWop macro.
So today we don’t have a solution to send the correct code to machine directly the edge groove from Polyboard to SCM or Homag machines. As I said before we are willing to add this code if SCM or Homag tell us the code that we need to add. They have already given us the codes for edge drilling but not edge grooving.
If you could explain your problem and ask them to contact us we could talk to them to see if we can create a solution for you.
Best regards,

Hello Ness,
Thanks for the reply. My boss said that he wants a screen to machine process. Is it possible to have this from Polyboard export to the machine directly using macro programming?
Can we clarify if we can achieve this using a WoodWop/SCM/Xilog tooling file then import it to Polyboard?

October 4, 2012

Hi Davo,
This hardware requires edge grooving which is currently only handled directly by Polyboard DXF output and Biesse CID or CIX post processors.
We would gladly add this function to to Homag/WoodWop and SCM/Xilog_plus output but we need to know the syntax of the PP instruction to be used.
So if you need to machine edge grooving directly from Polyboard you must ask Homag or SCM to send us the programming syntax and we will integrate this into our next version of Polyboard.
Otherwise both machines will machine edge grooves but you will have to manually add this in WoodWop (Homag) or Maestro (SCM)
Best regards,
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