Wood Designer forum
Config Polyboard PP for optinest B-solid|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

November 8, 2013

Hi Antony, your order included initial set up of Polyboard. There is no set up session included with purchases of OptiNest.
As Ness said, we have helped a number of clients set up their Biesse. We’ve also got many clients using our software with their Biesse CNCs who set it up themselves without our help, so it should work very well.
We try to keep our software prices very low, a lot lower than most of the competition in fact, so we have a minimal margin. Some people want CNC set up help, others don’t, so it is always an optional extra.
We will do our best to help you with a support pack but we cannot guarantee to solve all issues within 1 hour. For example, you may need to check some settings with Biesse which has a huge range of machines, all a bit different. Even if you need a bit more support, it’s well worth it as it costs very little and you’ll get your software and machine working properly saving you so much more in the long run.

Dear Ness,
The nesting output is taking only a 5x2ft panel instead of 8×4 ft panel. Hope you checked that.
My optinest software wasn’t set-up yet. I think you can set it up as part of the purchase deal. I’m not sure if you’ll setup the polyboard, optinest and the Biesse Rover Sft in one sitting if you work only based on time. My requirement is atleast you should assure me that you’ll complete the full setup whatever time it takes. If you confirm then I’ll purchase an hour.
You should also consider that my overall price is going higher than the biesBi software for which the support would have been free for me.
Please give me a good solution. Would it be possible to talk to you over phone to discuss this
Antony S Brighton

October 4, 2012

Hi Antony,
Your DXF files are setup for the example Biesse tool names, you have to change the layer name coding to correspond to the tool set up on our machine.
We have set up several Biesse machines that run with no problem but as this is not something we do on a day to day basis I do not know off hand the exact coding Biesse requires, especially as the exact coding sequence changes from Biesse Works to Bsolid as well as from version to version.
For this reason it’s best to see with the Biesse engineers what you have to put in the layer name.
The layer name set up is very simple, and the general coding principles are explained in the Biesse-DXF-doc I attached previously.
For example:
The part outline is set up actually with “TCHW0B1DP0TNM$EBAU16D$CRC2ID$CONTOUR$”.
The section that defines the tool name is the value after 0TNM between the $ signs , $EBAU16D$. In your case this value has to be changed to $12mmrout$.
The <E> and <P> letters are variables that change according to the values set in Polyboard.
To set up the layer name you have to click the layer name edit 3 dots button :
The dialogue box is divided into 2 columns, the Available Items list and the Format list.
For a fixed text section of the layer name, select the text field and drag and drop the item to the Format list and edit the text.
To add the thickness or another variable drag and drop also to the Format list.
In the layer name the variable names will be replaced with the appropriate symbol.
For the horizontal drilling files you can export directly the CIX files to Bsolid using the BiesseWorks CID-CIX post processor.
Once the tool names set up correctly, this will create a file you can load directly into Bsolid.
Once in Bsolid you’ll have to erase the tool paths that are not required.
However, if you have a nesting cnc machine, to optimise machine time, I’d strongly suggest that you eliminate horizontal drilling and use nesting hardware.
We have nesting hardware that not only eliminates the need for horizontal drilling but also completely hides the cams.
Have a look at this page on our web site:
Hope this is helpful,

Dear Stefan,
Right now I’m not in a position to buy a setup time as my previous setup time is not very useful. I would really appreciate if you can provide a 15 mins teamviewer session to explain the questions I have asked. I would also appreciate that if you can send the proper configuration file and I can import it to my polyboard and Optinest.
Biesse engineers are able to get the CNC to run if we use B Nest from the Polyboard output file. But mostly the Optinest and Polyboard to optinest setup has to be checked. Request you to get it done without making me spend more on this
Thank you for understanding.

November 8, 2013

Hi Antony, we received your email discussing the urgency of this issue…that you have the engineers in your workshop now. As Ness said below, you really need to buy a support pack from this page: https://wooddesigner.org/train…..g-service/
We have an estimated 24-48 hour turnaround on the forum. We also offer mini TeamViewer sessions as you know, but these are limited to 15 minutes each to look at a specific problem, not fully setting up your CNC and liaising with Biesse’s engineers.
So the forum and these mini TeamViewer sessions are not the way to provide you with support to set up your CNC, especially if you are in a hurry. We can schedule in an hour session as soon as possible if you buy a support pack. In fact, we currently have availability today.
I suggest you go for a 1 hr support pack. Hopefully this is enough, it can be fairly straightforward process. If you need more time, and we need to check settings with Biesse, you may need more help.
Thank you for your understanding in advance.

November 8, 2013

Hi, I’ve put those files in a zip folder, and uploaded. There are so many file types for CAM software we haven’t allowed them all to be uploaded direct. Zipping them should work fine next time.

Dear Ness,
Here I’ve enclosed the polyboard file
Nested files
Tools details
Tool dia | Tool Name | Rotation RPM | Feed Rate 4000mm/min | |
Vertical Drill | 5,8,10,15,35 | 5mmver, 8mmver, … | 4000 | 4000 |
Outline | 12mm | 12mmrout | 18000 | 12000 |
Inner Tooling | 6mm | 6mmrout | 14000 | 8000 |
Tooilng edges | ||||
Horizontal Drilling | 8mm,12mm | 8mmhor | 4000 | 4000 |
We Need separate programme for the horizontal drilling and face 2 drilling and the bar code should be generated in the labels. Optinest file posted below
I’ll really appreciate a quick response.
Antony S Brighton

October 4, 2012

Hi Antony,
It’s not clear to me what the problem is here.
Can you post :
– the Polyboard file
– the Post processor Optinest-par Bsolid DXF output
– the Optinest file and the DXF cutting nested parts output
Please also specify the tool numbers and eventually rotation and feed rates, used for each operation:
– Out line
-Vertical drilling
– Inner tooling
– Tooling Edges

Hi Ness,
Biessie guys are here in the factory. The quick design library is already installed by you during the setup.
These were the issues faced
- Many extrusions are showing when the DXF file is exported from Opti Nest. We have enclosed the optinest imported file and the BNest file for reference
- When transferring files to a pen drive it shows that some properties are not able to be copied. We need advise on this.
Biesse engineers are here only for a couple of days. Can you help us ASAP
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