Wood Designer forum
Door slack questions|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

January 20, 2017

Everything that can be done through the “properties” menu can be done through sub-methods,
First, you should ensure the door type used to edit slack for this type of door (here doors Std, edit others types or “Doors” don’t have any effect)
Now from the doors Sub-method
For single door slack, where applied per edge
Don’t forget to pay attention to the shared edges, like your cabinet Left and centre doors on upright
because by default, the slack is put from the centre of the upright on the left AND the right
But if you check “Apply a half-slack.”
that divide Slack by 2 here,
2.5mm/2 from open side = 1.25mm
2.5mm/2 from fitting side = 1.25mm
And finally, to have equal doors, you can select all of them and then select the equalize option.
But, this will move uprights, of course.
I personally use 1.5mm everywhere without checking the option, which gives me 3mm of slack between doors and 3mm when reassembling different cabinets, which works in 95% of cases.
I only have to change this manually in case there is a finished side
Hope this helps,
Cheers, Alex
I have a few questions regarding door slacks:
On a project, is there a way for Polyboard to know that a run of cabinets are next to each other so that I can keep my standard door gap (2.5mm)?
When placing multiple cabinets i end up with a 5mm gap as both have 2.5mm slack. I have been adjusting manually but it’s quite tedious, hoping there’s a better solution!
Having a tough time with this unit and the doors also.. We usually build each unit separately but due to budget & material constraints on this project we are having to a build a ‘3 in 1’ unit. I can’t seem to figure out how to get all 3 doors to be of an equal size? Probably something to do with my slack or hinge setup but would love to know if this is possible for this unit? See attached file
Thank you!
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