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Ness said
Hi Jack and Alex,If you have both Polyboard 5 and 6 installed on your computer the latest Quick Design libs will only work with 6.
Note also that with Polyboard Lite certain functions in the Quick Design will not be activated.
If necessary we can set up a Team Viewer meeting to sort out your installation.
All the best,
did you see recent post to Ness?

thanks for your input. things are a mess since I tried to update poly6. I had to pay my computer tech over $100 so far to try and resolve. was on phone with Microsoft more than hour and everything checked out ok on their end. updated all drivers, etc. got to point where poly6&5 would not work. had to restore to june 8th and am now back to poly5 works and poly6 will not function. unfortunately I cannot reload my current project back into version 5 and I am at a standstill.
before I tried to load V6 update, per your web page, I renamed poly libs file to “polyboard libs old”. I would like to rename it back to the original name but do not remember its’ name —– can you send it to me?
please be aware that all other functions and programs are working on this computer as designed.
if it comes down to it, can I uninstall poly6 and reinstall without loosing activation and access?
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

October 4, 2012

Hi Jack and Alex,
If you have both Polyboard 5 and 6 installed on your computer the latest Quick Design libs will only work with 6.
Note also that with Polyboard Lite certain functions in the Quick Design will not be activated.
If necessary we can set up a Team Viewer meeting to sort out your installation.
All the best,

January 20, 2017

In order to be clear quick design function only with the latest version of Polyboard 6.05+
here Polyboard et Quick Design lite
For last version of Quick Design Pro it here
To recalls in order to update your version you have to download the install in the link Polyboard, then reinstall and follow the update instruction
Old Lib still works with new version of Polyboard
Never uninstall Polyboard without copying the code provided at the end of the process under penalty of losing your license
There is no known concern with Windows 10 1703 and Polyboard 5 and 6
All the best, Alexandre

October 4, 2012

Hi Jack,
The problem is that you haven’t got the latest version of Polyboard 6.05.
Just download and install the latest version and it should work with the latest Quick Design libs.
All the best,
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