Wood Designer forum
Drill through is for some reason not working |Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
January 20, 2017
Hi Patrick,
Your vertical division (10) have drilling on both face due to your hinges Bplat drilling with depth of 5mm on both face 😉
If you set your drilling bplat to 10mm or more they should be merge as through drilling
Another information
If you have update PolyBoard to 7.12D
There is major change with drilling, for SCM PP Setup, (Polyboard new feature updates)
Now instead of use Customized to force Flate/Plate drilling, for through drilling
>définie previously into (L) Type in case of through drilling, and need to force to Plate drilling… IF you don’t have lancia drill bits….
Now you are able to force all through drilling (by default in L type) (or drilling in face to face merged by option in your screenshoot) into type (P) per default,
Of course, in all cases it’s option assigned in customized tool provided the last information
But for me, the best way is to set all Blind and through to (P) type, then set/use (L) lancia per customized tool only if required
Best regards, Alex
May 3, 2023
Good afternoon Gents
I have a simple cabinet. For one of the dividers I am getting double sided machining for some reason that cannot figure out. There is cabineo on one side and the remaining drilled holes are directly opposite to each other on the two sides. Based on the settings in my Maestro output, that have not been changed, the holes should just drill through. Its worked fine in the past so I cannot find any reason for the drill through not happening. Attached is the output and its vertical division 10. Can you please have a look and let me know why its not working on this cabinet?
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