Wood Designer forum
DXF format to import in Polyboard 6.01|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Angel,
In general any DXF format should import into Polyboard.
However, I’ve never tried anything after 2013.
The important point is that Polyboard will need to see a polyline to import the shape into the Free Shape editor.
The video “DXF import of furniture plans and room layouts for easy set up of complex shapes” will show how this feature works in Polyboard 6. It’s on the new features page, here’s the link.
Hope this is helpful,
All the best,
First time here I think …. Long, long time AutoCAD user since 2.5 (1989) and new to Polyboard 6.01
Question is: In what format I should save the AutoCAD 2016 dxf file. Tried AutoCAD R14 and gave me a bad format. What I am trying to do is import a countertop that is a semi circle with a constant with of 16 inches by 8 feet long. I do not have a clue on how to create curved counter top and tried doing it in AutoCAD and import.
If anyone can send post video links or anything, I will be very greatful. Any questions with AutoCAD, just shoot them my way. ^i^
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