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Error using free version|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

November 8, 2013

Hi Keit, the only difference between an activated version – which you buy outright – and the free/demo version is that you cannot output your manufacturing files – cut list, plans etc – with the free version.
You can design in full in your version, all design features are available.
You need to click on the inner volume of the cabinet or on specific elements like uprights/shelves/doors to activate further options like the ones you’ve highlighted.
Please go through the videos on the download page. This is the best place to get started. And make sure you’ve installed the Quick Design Libraries from the same page which includes the Quick Design Toolbars.
All the best, Stefan
EDIT: I forgot to say how you end up getting the cut list and plans. It depends who you are.
If you’re a business it makes sense to buy the software so you can output the manufacturing docs whenever you need them.
If you’re working on a single project, or just a few, don’t buy it. Just sign up for Premium Support and we’ll process your design file when your project is finished. This is called our CabinetFile or StairFile service, free with Premium Support. Plus you’ll get expert advice with the design and build if you need it.

Thank you for the reply. I downloaded a version from this link:
It shows me that it is version 6.05f.
I attach two pictures:
1. When I open it says that it is a demo version.
2. When starting a drawing the “modify” menu is unactive.
Thank you!

August 7, 2014

Hi Keit,
all features are available in the demo version except the outputs to generate your production documents or dxf files. You can draw any kind of cabinet with no limits on what so ever.
Where did you download the program ? The latest version is 6.05G and I am working with it myself. Can you post some pictures of your problem on not being able to add doors or drawers ?
The activation in the help menu is when you buy the software and get a key to enter and activate the full program. there is no need to activate any other feature

I downloaded the free version but I am unable to use most of the tools. All I can do is draw a simple cabinet frame, no doors, drawers etc. It was said that all design features are included in the free version and I should activate it in the help menu. When i try to do it it says that I must have administrator access to do that. So I am stuck. What do you suggest?
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