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Fitting not following "Used Recessed Value"|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
August 7, 2014
The only way is to use it as a standard method. You could perhaps create a manufacturing method using the regular one and another the tenon version. Before starting the design you decide which manufacturing method you are going to use. This ensures you pick up the correct fitting version.
In the boxful sub-method, you can define the tenon connection. What cannot be done is using a different front- and back shouldering in the method.
If you only use it randomly on cabinets while making a design there is no way to ensure the use of correct fitting as it needs to be done manually. The only way then is to make it a routine in design when you create the tenon that you use the correct fitting.
August 7, 2014
Currently, there is no direct solution for this so the option with 2 diff hardware is the only possible yet.
Here is the answer from the developers.
This situation is quite different from the “Consider Recess Value” option, which applies
when there is a gap between the parts.In the particular case of “Rafix + Tenon”, it would not be enough to add a new option,
because as opposed to the above “Consider Recess Value” option, the depth value
would also depend on the rafix position along the fitting link.PolyBoard should distinguish “Rafix in the Tenon” from “Rafix in the Tenon Shoulder”
and reject all situations where the rafix straddles both.We understand that the “Rafix + Tenon” assembly requires a different rafix setting
for the tenon side, but fully automating this specific assembly mode is not justified
at this stage.
Thanks. That would be great.
Doing it the way we currently do it, and you suggested doing it, works. But as it is very hard to tell the difference between the 2 fittings visually when checking over a cabinet before machining, we have made several mistakes and wasted material.
August 7, 2014
Hi ,
Consider recess value means that if the panel is recessed that the connection will follow the recess. In your case it is more a penetration that needs to be followed. I will ask the developers what they think about this to see if there could be a solution for it.
Yes, that is the effect we want to achieve but all done with a single fitting. Rather than the 2 fittings you have here.
That is how we currently do it and we keep getting mistakes as having the wrong fitting selected. It looks like the consider recessed value should work but isnt.
August 7, 2014
Is it this you are looking for?
Well remembered, yes we have been trying to not do 2 sided machining as much as possible but starting to do it more and more as we are developing designs.
Not thought about doing it your way shall keep it in mind as an option for some cases, cheers
It looks like the software should allow us to do what we are wanting it to do but I cant seem to get it to work. Any ideas?
May 18, 2014
What we do is make the m&T with a 40mm shoulder and fit the rafix in the shoulder as normal.
We did try the method you are trying, but it gets awkward with the tenon depth.
From what I remember, you try not to use two sided machining. We do and it makes the difference with fitting rafix and M&T joints also.
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