Wood Designer forum
fixed seating |Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Dean,
Nice project you have here.
I attach the seating with the uprights in one part.
When you need to add parts that are reduced in width and don’t want them to cut others in 2 use the groove or mortise and tenon assembly. I can show you how to do this a a training session.
I’ve added also the 18mm formers as shelves that cut the recesses into the uprights using mortise and tenon.
You can’t invert the inner toolings on the curved seating. This model looks very complicated, you might find that separating it into several smaller elements assembled in a project will make it more manageable.
Personally I would make the straight left and right seats as the same module, the curved seats as a module and the upright curved back as a separate module.
Otherwise you project looks great!
Just one detail that I saw, your rafix on fixed shelves are on the upper surface, you might think of putting them on the under side?
All the best,
April 10, 2016
Hi Guys,
Im just playing about project i am about to start ( a micro pub) and have some seating booths to go inn so had a try at them in polyboard and wondering if what i am working towards is doable in polyboard and if so am i going about it the right way.
i have attached a seat template and hitting the following issues…
*when i add a shelf to make the seat base it automatically cuts the center division former’s into two pieces, is there a way around this ??
* i would like to add 18mm tie rails into the inner tooling on the former’s and to the base
i have also attached a start on a curved seating booth and when i paste the structure onto the former divisions on side is reversed, is there a way to switch these around without redoing opposite handed inner toolings ??
i have also attached the project file i have been playing around with, its still early stages but if there is anything that i have gone about the wrong way let me know please
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