Wood Designer forum
Groove Wrong Size in export|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

January 20, 2017

There’s something I can’t explain, so I’ll get back to you as soon as I can

January 20, 2017

Can you upload your cabinet to make test with our last version,
All the best, Alexandre

We have just notcied that some of our grooves are now exporting twice as long as they should be in some cases. It seems to happen when the groove does not go to the end of the panel.
In this unit the bottom material is 18mm and the back is grooved into the unit 6.5mm

Once nested, exported and opened in V-Carve the groove at the top of the panel is correct and is 5mm longer than the panel. This is correct.
The groove at the bottom of the panel is measuring 1.5mm. From my maths this should be 18mm (material thickness of the bottom panel) – 6.5mm (Groove depth that 9.1mm material grooves into the bottom) – 5mm (The amount polyboard is set to over length groove) = 6.5mm.
I have checked the “grooving and oversizing” options, along with the post processor options and it looks to me like they are all fine and this seems a new bug?

Anywhere else I should be looking? This is not just happening on this project but is happening on all exports.
We are also having a similar issue with the amount a panel needs to be set back is sometimes double the amount. I will start another topic to not get them confused.
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