Wood Designer forum
How Do i Add Tools To The Post Processor|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Mike,
BiesseWorks or Bsolid should recognise the 35mm circle as a drilled hole and if the Biesse software is set up correctly associate it automatically to the main router head when it picks up the tool.
All the best,
Ness said
Hi Mike,
Sorry I didn’t fully understand you question.
I’m guessing that you mean you have the 35mm hinge borer attached to the main router head of the machine?
If this is the case then you must leave the maximum drilling parameter at 35 so the the machine knows it has to drill.
But the machine must be set up to drill when it picks up the 35mm borer. This is in the machine setup and not the Polyboard setup.
You must setup the tool parameters in BiesseWorks or Bsolid to drill and not mill when it picks up the 35mm tool.
All the best,
Hi Ness,
Thanks again for your help. yes that is correct the 35mm bit is picked up by the main head i have changed it back in the post processer and will test it tomorrow, just to clear up though I do not have to add the 35mm tool name anywhere in the post processor and should it show up in the cid file as CAT=1 or CAT=2
Thanks Again,
November 8, 2013
Hi Mick, hopefully Ness has answered your question here. If not, feel free to continue looking at the problem in the forum if you wish. Please do also consider ordering a 1 hour support pack here: https://wooddesigner.org/train…..g-service/
We can then link up with your computer remotely via TeamViewer and take a proper look at your set up. All the best, Stefan
October 4, 2012
Hi Mike,
Sorry I didn’t fully understand you question.
I’m guessing that you mean you have the 35mm hinge borer attached to the main router head of the machine?
If this is the case then you must leave the maximum drilling parameter at 35 so the the machine knows it has to drill.
But the machine must be set up to drill when it picks up the 35mm borer. This is in the machine setup and not the Polyboard setup.
You must setup the tool parameters in BiesseWorks or Bsolid to drill and not mill when it picks up the 35mm tool.
All the best,
Ness said
Hi Mick,
If you set the maximum drilling diameter to 10 the 35mm holes will be considered pockets and the machine will pick up the “inner tooling” tool and parameters.
All the best,
Hi Ness,
thanks for the help it still seems to use the hinge borer like a cutter rather then just moving on the z axis would you have any other suggestions?
Many Thanks,
October 4, 2012
Hi Mick,
If you set the maximum drilling diameter to 10 the 35mm holes will be considered pockets and the machine will pick up the “inner tooling” tool and parameters.
All the best,
Just Trying to get my post processor set up correctly for Biesse Works the machine I use doesn’t have the hinge borer in the constant drilling head it is picked up, so I would think just Change my Maximum drilling from 35 to 10 and add the tool in some ware in maybe tools then profiling, inner tooling, grove or mortise or will it automatically know to pick the tool once I change the maximum drilling?
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