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maestro integration and working |Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

March 25, 2024

Good morning Emanuel,
Let me know when you hear back about the information we discussed yesterday on our call.
Best regards,

July 5, 2024

hi isaac good afternoon
so i am still with problems with the machine stoping .as i told you already those sign has gone but there are other signs read saftystop and they are stoping .
About labels i am printing them on my pc on small labels and find it really better direct from polyboard .I asked you if i can chose which labels i print as i can do on maestro .
hope i explained my self better now .
thank you
e sacco

March 25, 2024

Hi Emanuel,
I thought I answered this already but I just realised I have not. I am sorry that I missed this question and have kept you waiting.
If you want to decide what labels will be printed, you need to choose these in Maestro as you are printing them from Maestro. PolyBoard will give you information for labels into Maestro, but it will not decide which labels are or are not printed.
Is your machine running without stopping now? Have you tested both Post Processor changes in the last post?
Best regards,

July 5, 2024

Good morning Isaac
I design a new project and trying to do as you write to me.The hood was set well i live it as pneumatic.The problem looks like its partly solved because those small symbols do not go out but the iso standby its still stoping me for qiute some times .About the labels is there any replay from mic pls .
thank you

March 25, 2024

Hi Emanuel,
Sorry for the delayed response, we have spent some time going over your post processor to see what could be causing these problems.
See the following image, something you can try is setting your tool back off code to “None”. This is better for nesting CNC’s and may help fix your problems.
Then after trying the above option first. If this doesn’t work, you can try changing the suction hood to “Automatic Motorized” for EVERY TOOL and running some tests here. (See the following image).
See if this makes any changes and helps to remove those errors.
Let me know how it all goes.
Best regards,

March 25, 2024

Hi Emanuel,
Could you please email me images of the errors, and your parameters. I will see what i can find for you.

July 5, 2024

Dear Isaac
i am working my projects and transfering to maestro active from polyboard .I has an issue that when the machine is working,drilling and cutting etc ,the machine will stop from time to time and give me an error.i had to push the start bottom ,give me other vacum error ,fix it and than go.I do not told you before because we were checking it to see if it a machine problem or maestro problem but looks like its something in the conversion from polyboard to maestro.We notice that on the nesting there are symbols that are making the machine act like this .i tried to attach the parameters but it is giving me a file error .
Can you plesase look at the matter .
thank you
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