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Maestro two sided output |Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

January 20, 2017

This has always been the case for all PPs, 2 opposite drillings must come together to be merged
The only change for SCM PP is since the latest version you are no longer obliged to define a customised tool for the force Flat (P) drilling to all through drilling.
You can setups general preference for through drilling to (P), which took a very long time indeed…. then if need you can for laincia (L) with customized,
And the customised tool setting takes priority over these parameters.

May 3, 2023

Hi Isaac
Tanks for the reply. The export fixed fine but the drill through is a different story.
Basically for drawer runners and hinges I have 3mm deep pilot holes so its easy to locate them during construction. Before a couple of versions ago, these would drill through if they were opposite. In the latest versions this is not the case and I have tried all the options including increasing the overlap, but still I am getting second sides and no drill through. It seems that to get the drill through the holes now need to go at least half way through the material thickness which is change from the past.
If I now need to change all the drilling depths on all my drawer runners and hinges to say 10mm which enables the drill through currently then not only do I have to change my currently prepared models but also have to go through all the runners and hinges and update them which is a a bit of a pain in the proverbial. It also then causes the same issue if I then use 22mm or thicker material.
This is not a show stopper today, but it would be great to have a solution tomorrow.

May 3, 2023

Good afternoon Gents
I have just run a two sided export and the new update and it is now exporting three folders. The first contains the XCS files for the primary sides, the second is has no parts and the third ahs the second sides.
The second issue is that where we used to have the drill through for opposing holes, this used to work with say a 3mm deep hole on either side of a 19mm sheet but now I have to set the holes to at least the depth of half the thickness of the material otherwise I get second sides. You can imagine how many fixings I would have to change to make it drill through now, is there a way to get it to drill through like we used to?
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