Wood Designer forum
mortise and tenon|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

October 4, 2012

Hi Conor,
Polyboard and OptiNest are working normally, the layer code being V_FRAES_14_5T303N where 14_5 is the depth of the groove.
However, your WoodWop is reading this as a measure from the lower side of the panel and not from the upper side.
Can you change the Zero Z ref in WoodWop to the upper surface?

January 28, 2018

Hi all,
I’m attaching (hopefully) a very simple cabinet.
The sides overpass the top and bottom and are joined using a mortise and tenon.
I can see it in 3D wire frame and it looks fine.
My material is 19mm thick, my tenon is 14mm so my mortise should be 14.5mm (allowing 0.5mm extra slack), IE. a zed dimension of 4.5mm for my tool.
When I go through optinest and dxf post processor I get the reverse, the zed dimension for my mortise tool is 14.5mm giving me a mortise of 4.5mm.
What am I missing.
Thanks, Conor
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