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October 4, 2012

Hi Terry,
Just uploaded a video on Quick Design editing edging, might find it interesting.
All the best,

Will do Ness
Personally I think it looks very good so far and if there is the possibility of it being updated regularly with others adding to it then it will be a huge leap forward. Im liking some of the fittings etc I never got round to doing much not even the blum hinges but i’ll use them in future saves me drilling them in the wrong places!
I love the way you can change things now much quicker. Some more vids would be useful when you got time

October 4, 2012

Hi again,
Yes, that’s the way to go.
I’ll be making some more videos on how to use the QD libs, but in the meantime tell me what you think of them.
All the best,

October 4, 2012

Hello Terry,
If you follow the video instructions you install them into a sub-folder of the original libs.
The originals are still in ProgramData\Boole&Partners\….xxx…….
The new libs are in ProgramData\Boole&Partners\….xxx……\quick design
To use the originals use the tools>folders>parameters command to point Polyboard back to the original folder.
To add a specific item of your libs to the new libs, set up a model with a the library item included in it.
Then point Polyboard to the new libraries and restore the lib contained in the model to the new libs.
I can make you a video if this seems obscure.
All the best,
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