Wood Designer forum
part names|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi everyone,
Sorry to answer so late but I’ve been away for a weeks break so just back this morning.
Sorry to say Mike but we don’t have a printed manual.
Part names have to be changed in the Properties menu so to avoid having to do this every time you set up a cabinet, it’s best to set up a model cabinet with the part names already applied that you open and edit as needed.
As Alex said you can group parts by materials or by cabinet but the program will not sort the parts by size. To do this export the csv cutting list and import it into a spread sheet. Once in the the spread sheet you can sort as required.
Best regards,
January 20, 2017
Hi ,
Go into Post-pro Options
Project Export folder(s) lets you choose to export by Cabinet or by Material
Format give you the possibility to set export formats as you want
and the part name can be set in the Properties menu on left
IF you have set in Tools>Preferences>Pieces references>PANEL NAME
sorry we do not have a user manual for polyboard
All the best, Alexandre
July 21, 2018
Hi guys,
A few things,
Is there a manual i can download in pdf format?
Regarding part names, both in the program itself, and especially when exporting, I’m having a hard time editing/changing them…
And Is it possible to export parts grouped by both material and size?
thanks in advance 🙂
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