Wood Designer forum
Polyboard - 'Out of Memory' Error in 3D|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

January 20, 2017

With 1300 divario’s computer don’t change a lot….
Please find news version you can download and import all are explained in the video
* First solution removed 3D accessories
* Update to the little version
* Replace with mit-joint shelves that reduce divarios from 1300 to 400 pieces, and milling times
Cheers, Alex

January 24, 2023

Hi Alex,
I thought as much yeah, it’s incredibly slow, my system is not as good as yours either. Having said that, I’m surprised polyboard has a limit. I thought 3D software performance is based purely on the capability of the PC? So if the PC was a fairly decent high end CPU/GPU it would eat all that data for breakfast?
It does make me think perhaps I need a new system…
With regards to the problem at hand, how would I remove the 3D divarios without removing the associated tooling for final production?

January 20, 2017

Your 3D accessories are very heavy indeed
and required a lot of memory to generate the 1300 Divario in 3D!
I think the only solution is to delete 3D in divario fitting for this project, because the PolyBoard will also have reached its limits here
With my last generation laptop (Ryzen 9 3.3Ghz 8core and 16Go Ram) required over 3minutes to open your project.
Cheers, Alex

January 20, 2017

Can you send it a support@wooddesigner.org, >Forum files for Alex
Which version of PolyBoard have you got?
Another solution is to zip files before uploading,
Cheers, Alex

January 24, 2023

I received an error whilst making a 3D file. It’s very heavy as I’m making a big wine rack, I received an error whilst trying to open the doors using CTRL+T in 3D mode. It said: ‘Out of Memory’. What exactly is this referring too? I’m not able to upload the Polyboard file or the picture to show you.
Might be an idea to also increase the upload limit on the forum? I often find this frustrating whilst asking for help.
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