Wood Designer forum
PP (big) bug |Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
August 7, 2014
Hi Maurizio,
There is no bug here.
The numbering of the exploded view is meant to be synchronized
with the cutting list, but not with the PP files numbering.
Reminder: Some parts may generate no PP file, while some others
may generate 2 PP files.
I would like to drag your attention on a bug a recently discovered where saving the PP file output (all machined panel in .dxf) create a mismatch between the numbering of panels in PB and the actual filename serialization.
In the attached screen capture you can see that the front door (#9 in PB) get saved as xxx_6_xxx (#6) because the back panel and two shelves (#5, #6 and #7) doesn’t require machining and do not get saved by the PP on disk as .dxf
I suppose this is due to a counter that is not incremented when the PP skips a .dxf file as the panel doesn’t require any machining.
The counter should be incremented even though the actual panel output is skipped.
I know that my Premium Support subscription in not yet renewed but it would be fair to acknowledge this bug and (may be) try to patch it.
Thanks to dig into and resolve.
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