Wood Designer forum
Premilling and edgeband thickness consideration|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Alexis,
Setting negative values on edging will not affect absolute drilling and groove positions only their relative position to the edge.
best regards,
Hello Alexis,
I am also not sure what exactly do you mean but I had a problem with setting up edging: some edges require premilling, some not and some need oversizing like with edge sanding.
I think my solution could be useful for you and for some other.
1. I set export to net dimensions
2. If I need premilling on particular type of edge (meaning I need overall dimension) I set it to 0, so the name can be “2mm ABS” but the thickness value is 0.
3. If I dont need premilling (in our case its the thick 5mm solid wood edge, that cant be put into edge bander) I set the thickness value to whatever it need to be. For example the name is “5mm solid” and the thickness value is 5
4. In case where I need oversizing the thickness value can be actually negative. For example we have edge called “0.5mm sanding” and the value is -0.5 – with net dimension set in export settings that actually increases the part by 0.5mm.
I this works for us and I can forget about oversizing sub-method which is good since I have now 1 less thing to think about.
Hope this will make somebody’s life easier.
October 4, 2012
Hi Alexis,
Sorry but I’m not sure what you mean about edgebander and premilling.
If you have and edgebander that pre-mills, then you need to set up Polyboard to output the parts with the finished size, ie: the panel with the edging.
If the edgebander doesn’t pre-mill the edges set the Polyboard output to net panel size.
In both cases it’s possible to add additional size “over sizing” to the cutting lists so that a panel can be calibrated on the cnc.
To best advise, can you explain step by step your manufacturing process?
In all cases Polyboard has many options that enable us to adapt it to your equipment and ways of working.
When you buy the software, we give a free hours set up training that will enable us to show you how to do this.
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