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November 8, 2013
Ha. I like the way you moved so gracefully from IT issue to Apple abuse.
Seriously though, thanks for the feedback. We’ll definitely be including this info in our software FAQs section before the full launch.
Hi Stefan
Yes that was the exact problem and I wish i’d goggled a possible problem earlier as I spent a few hours in utter frustration!
Yes I re-configured my trackpad to click with 2 fingers. (in fact it may already have been set at that but i just didn’t think to use two fingers) I’d like to stick two fingers up to Apple to be honest!
I believe its fairly simple also to re-calibrate mouse etc……but i didn’t try that option as id thrown the mouse across the room by that stage!
Alas its working fine now on my Macbook with the trackpad……….and as a bonus I’ve now discovered the magical right click with the polyboard app itself…..which is a useful timesaving bonus. Out of every story eh.
November 8, 2013
Hi Terry, glad you got things sorted out in the end.
I just found this article about the mouse settings on the Mac. Would you mind very quickly telling me if that’s what you did to solve things, or give me a link to what you found, so we can include some guidance on the site about it.
Thanks very much.
p.s. I moved the Blum Clip query to a new topic in the Polyboard forum so it can be more easily found. Thanks
October 4, 2012
Great news!
Have fun with the cut lists.
October 4, 2012
Hi Terry,
Here’s the activation code
P1HW – 8CRB – X2BN – GMH3
hope it all works now.
All the best,
Hi Ness
in case (no doubt) you encounter this again. The issue id parallels running on a mac and the loss of the right click function.
Nothing else will work unless you go into either mouse or trackpad settings and enable ‘double tapping’ of the main trackpad or similar on mouse to enable 2-click functions.
Do not ask me why. But the problem exists and I often wondered why I couldn’t right click in Polyboard itself.
Its a simple double tap of the trackpad with 2 fingers or configure mouse as needed.
I think I’ve found the answer. There is a documented issue with the right click function whilst running parallels
on a mac. Ive changed settings on mouse. Ive got the right click activation menu now. My user code is the code that
I sent you earlier which I found in the C7G9 REWG 2JT7 TUPH.
Its now asking for activation code
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