Wood Designer forum
Regular Drillings CNC Export|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

November 8, 2013

Sorry about the hassle. Zip files are definitely allowed on the forum, I’ll test what you send me, perhaps it’s too big?
Zip files are now allowed to be sent via contact form, they weren’t before. Either way, I’ve emailed you direct, so feel free to just attach it and return direct.
All the best, Stefan

November 8, 2013

Hi Grant, can you use the contact form and attach it there. I’ll take a look at it, zips normally work fine. Thanks

October 4, 2012

Hi Grant,
Can you put all your files, Polyboard project, cid and pp-reg into a zip file and post it?
All the best,

October 4, 2012

Hi Grant,
Can you post the Polyboard and pp files so we can have look?
All the best,

Hi, I am currently experiencing some issues with regular drilling.
I am currently experiencing the problem that whenever I export a project from Polyboard, Biesseworks (our CNC program) comes up with an error on the pieces that have regular drillings on them.
Alternatively I can change my rules to do this instead or export all the pieces as DXF files and do it mannually through CAD, however this can be a pain and a little time consuming and I was wondering if there was any settings to change the way regular drillings will export in an attempt to make them work.
Thanks in advance.
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