Wood Designer forum
Setting up a specific manufacturing method-Video|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Shafeek,
To set up your sub method:
– create a copy of the nearest existing method ie one of the H methods
– in the use the Order Priority section click Top to select it,
this should make the Top pink in the drawing
-Click the UP arrow several times until the Top moves to the top of the list and the drawing shows it Over Passing the sides
To get the bottom raised by 100m :
– in Recess and Overlap rules clcik the + button to add a rule
– in Parameters, Over Passing panel list select the Sides
– in the Under Passing panel list select the Bottom
– in the Propetrise list set Overlap to 100
Your drawing should look like this:
You can rename the sub method to suit.
Hope this is helpful.
Best regards,
Have the methods in the Boxful submethod changed as compared to the vedios.
The current method list have lesser ones as compared to the video.
Where can I get to read on how to setup my manufacturing methods ?
eg I want to make a method similar to the bedside table shown in the video, where the Top is overpassing and the bottom is inside the sides and raised by 100mm. Where can I get to learn how its done ?
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