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shop display units and turning corners with polyboard|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

Thanks Jim
Funny you say that but I’d suggested that to the client but he was adamant ‘no back panels. I did explain about structural integrity etc and also the fact that over a long distance if the wall is ‘out’ we might have some gaps etc inside the carcasses where they meet the wall. He just didn’t listen! One of those types! I also think he may think it will add to costs although I explained we could use 6mm backs he just didn’t want to go for it as there are about 20-25 carcasses to make.
Thanks Jim

Hi Terry,
An idea we use when clients want the wall colour showing through shelves like that is put backs on the units to save having to scribe all the shelves to an uneven wall. Also makes the units stronger and easier to build. We just paint the backs the same colour as walls before fitting em
Same effect better quality of finish and easier.

Hi Ness
Yes I guess it would be a good occasion to cover this. These will be essentially bookshelves made as carcasses without a back panel as the client wants to see the wall colour on the back wall. They carcase construction would be pine 22mm simple screws through sides….as per shelves. It is likely all shelves will be equal distance and a pre-levelled plinth installed prior say at 60mm. At the end of a run i would glue a deco end panel on to hide screws. There is as yet no brief on turning the corners but Im guessing at they will be selling food then every last inch of display will be important to them.
Im not exactly sure yet how I intend on turning the corners in ‘real life’ but I’ve dropped a couple of photos in to give 2 different examples of how it can be done.
Thanks Ness

October 4, 2012

Hi Terry,
I haven’t yet shot any specific videos on turning corners so this would be a great occasion to push me to do one.
Polyboard is a realy very flexible for design so corner cabs can be done in lots of different ways.
For me to do a video that answers your specific needs, can you tell me how you want the units to look and how you are thinking of building them?
A couple of photos and some sketches of assembly details would be nice.
All the best,

Hi Ness
Sorry if you’ve already covered this in a video. I have been asked to quote on a shop fitting job for what will be health food store. It will be simple carcasses 22mm pine with fixed shelving. I was hoping you could shoot a video on (or direct me to a video) the different options for turning corners on polyboard. I.e where two walls meet at 90 degrees and turning the carcasses around those corners.
Thanks Ness
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