Wood Designer forum
Slack not being exported, possible post processor set issue|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
January 20, 2017
extra information send by mail please let me know if that resolved your issue
All the best, Alex
January 20, 2017
I need to know the version of your PolyBoard, I think the output problem comes from there.
January 20, 2017
Slack is not taken into account in the net or global option, only edge thickness and oversize.
Can you confirme your PolyBoard version?
Test work fine here, an update can be necessary
All the best, Alex
When i export my doors to optinest or V carve my slack is not being applied to the centre panel. I have tried both overall and net dimentions in the post processor but no difference seems to be happening. i have tried restarting polyboard between changing the post processor to make sure it was not outputting the old settings. any help would be appreciated.
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