Wood Designer forum
Top Opening Lift Hinges|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

Thanks for this,
Ness, we wanted to be able to have this happen automatically from a Manufacturing method. As Alex has said this is currently impossible unless you have the door side hung as a work around.
Alex, not sure what you mean by a basic model? The one that Ness has attached? This was just a sample unit, we are eventually going to want to have the option of different style doors on one unit and to have polyboard using the corrent hinge for the application, base on the door type selected.

January 20, 2017

Hi everyone!
After yesterday’s exchange with the development team, there is no anomaly!
It’s just that polyboard does not have the lateral fitting option yet in this version FOR sub method

for the moment there are 3 possibilities
– Use of fitting on the right / left side for the rising door
– Use a basic model (technical model)
– edit them manually
this option will arrive in the next big update of Polyboard around the beginning or middle of 2019 probably,
All the best, Alex

October 4, 2012

Hi all,
Not quite sure what the problem is here.
If you set the link between door and side the drilling patterns will be correct even if the door is “hinged” to the top.

January 20, 2017

Yes, exactly
You can look on your edit cabinet I attached to my previous post
Ness, the sub-method won’t understand the side link when you set it to top
You can try as well, but I think we have a little anomaly
Cheers , Alex

October 4, 2012

Hi all,
For info there’s an example model in the “tech-model” sub folder of the Polyboard QuickDesign libraries, I attach it to this post.
Fittings links are not dependent on the hinge side so they can be set to any adjacent panels.
Best regards,

January 20, 2017

yes of course, only the visual will change when opening doors on PB,
but no worries about machining

I am struggling to add Aventos style hinges to our cabinet via the manufacturing method. I think it is because I can only select fitting side or opening side but I could be wrong.
I have a fitting rule that works with inset doors that I can apply manually by selecting the side, editing the fitting links and adding it there. I want to have a way that we can automatically add the correct hinge type when the correct door type is selected (We have a range of door types that depend on the hinge style used – and have set rules up accordingly)
The Aventos hinges have features on the side panel and the door. This is neither to fitting side or opening side?
I have attached a sample unit where I have manually added the hinge to a single side. We are trying to get a “one size fits all” manufacturing method for a customisable range of furniture we are looking at launching.
I have also attached a screenshot of our currently set of fitting links sub-methods.
Any Ideas?
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