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StairFile case study - loft conversion stair with 3 kite winder and intermediate landing|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

October 4, 2012

Hello Mark,
Here are your manufacturing stair files.
In the compressed file you will find:
-the finalised StairDesigner project.
-a DXF folder with 2-D plan elevations, a 3-D model (that you can insert into the sketch up or another CADD program),
-a PDF folder with a workshop document that contains the general plans and cutting list, and a PDF file for each part that can be printed out full size.
When using the full-sized templates, note that I have marked a StairDesigner error on the second newel post and the second left string.
This is because Stair Designer has a tendency of miscalculating the risers on winders around the newel posts, and extending the riser housing into the following string, even when it should stop at the newel post.
This creates an extra housing marked on the second string and on the second newel post. You just have to ignore this marking.
Also included in the compressed file is the AutoCAD sketch that I made of the stairwell and the SketchUp model into which I have inserted 3-D model from StairDesigner.
Hope this is all clear, and that all will go well building the stair.
Don’t hesitate to get back to me if you have any questions or problems.
Keep us updated on how the project moves forward.
If you have any photos, building and of the finished stair, we would love to see them
Good luck with building,
All the best,

October 4, 2012

Hi Mark,
Yes, the post parameter “position reference”refers to the back face of post.
I didn’t mention the changes you made on the last flight, but I did look at the changes and tweaked a bit position of the last post and step (only one millimetre).
Otherwise it all seemed to line up perfectly, but could you give it a last check the sds file and AutoCad drawing just to make sure that it’s OK.
In the image of the AutoCAD drawing all the dimensions are marked.
If it’s all okay I’ll go ahead and send you the manufacturing files tomorrow.
All the best,

Thanks Ness.
I also thought about rounding the first two steps but couldn’t implement it with Stair Shaping function of StairDesigner, so I didn’t mention it.
From what I see from the newel parameters for the first post, I take it that the position reference relates to the back edge of the post, i.e. where it meets the string. Am I correct?
You didn’t mention anything about the changes I made at the end of the top flight (see my posts of 4:33pm and 5:13pm yesterday). If those changes are ok, please go ahead with the manufacturing drawings.
Best wishes,

October 4, 2012

Hello Mark,
I’ve setback, the first post so that it’s axis is at 406 mm from the first step.
This should make it possible to connect the first floor landing handrail to the newel post.
The best way to make the firsts to steps, would be to make them without any stringer on the left-hand side, and sitting on a couple of boxed riser.
I illustrate the idea in the AutoCAD drawing and the quick sketch up model I’m attaching to this post.
Of course the two step ends don’t have to be rounded, but I consider this a more elegant start of the stair. Of course, you can make the ends of the steps square or just with the angle cut off, which makes building 1st two steps and rises easier.
Details of these two box rises should the setup in CAD using the 2-D DXF file.
You can also set them up directly on the printed plan that you get when you print the full size plan in the PDF file.
Tell me if this is okay for you and I’ll send you the working documents.
All the best,

Hello Ness,
The detail I remembered concerns the position of the first newel post. This needs to be moved back to line up with an existing handrail on the first floor landing, i.e. our starting level. (note from editor: link not found so removed) That handrail runs parallel to the wall adjacent to our second flight. The centre line of the handrail is 1030mm from that wall, i.e. 406mm from our starting point, given that the length of our first flight is 1436mm.
In v07 I have moved the newel back, but I’m not sure whether I’ve positioned it quite correctly. Perhaps you could check this for me? Could you also advise me about what you would do with the first two steps, i.e. the steps in front of the newel. Would you just box off the left-hand side with an overhanging tread?
Best wishes,

Hi Ness,
Wow, that was nice to hear. Made staying up late worthwhile.
I’m virtually ready for the manufacturing files. If I leave it as it is at the moment, the third flight will fall a bit short of the loft entrance I’m aiming at, because I ‘artificially’ shortened that flight to get consistent treads. Obviously I could make the top tread longer to meet up with the loft entrance, but I would like the strings to go right to the loft in one piece, if I can, rather than having to insert a horizontal bit at the end.
Could you please just adjust the third flight so that it still has treads of 225mm, but also a small bit of landing at the end to bring the total length back to 1460mm. (I can’t work out how to do this, I’m afraid.) That way, I presume the strings will reach right to the loft entrance.
Many thanks,
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