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Basic Questions Quarter landings|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

August 7, 2014

Hi Michael,
Here is the stair. I made a custom adjustment on the stringer at the level of the landings. This is something you can adapt as you wish. If you do some adaptations on the stair it can be that the customization of the stringer disappear due to recalculation of the stringers by the software and this is normal. Such custom work on stringers should only be done when all other setups are done and ok.
I made this stair in the Multi-Flight mode because it is much easier to enter sizes as in the templates your are limited in adaptations due to the prefab construction of it. In this stair the width of the landings is a little wider then the stair flights. It is difficult to get this adapted from the template. You better work flight by flight.
If you have downloaded sd7 you have a folder that is on your desktop called stairdesigner that contains your libraries and models.
You can download the quick design libraries pro version on https://wooddesigner.org/suppo…..-benefits/
Open the folder select models. There you can use prefabricated stair designs to adapt to your needs so that you do not have to start from scratch.

Hi Michel,
That is great thank you, one (hopefully) small thing, I must not on my sketch given you the direction of the stairs, it is actually the other way around sorry! So the longer flight has the bottom step, and the shorter flight has the nosing. Would you be able to reverse this one? Sorry!!
A couple of other questions whilst I have you, in case I have to do another one of these, how do you do change a template, as in there is a template for a stair with a quarter at the top, if i could change this to one with a quarter at the bottom, I could have simply done two separate stairs one with a top quarter landing and one with a bottom quarter landing, and joined them together in Alpha Cam.
I also dont know how to access the libraries function, Stefan told me there was a design library with a lot of different stairs in, that you can use, and adapt to suit your own needs.
Thanks again, Mike

August 7, 2014

Hi Michael,
Here some example. It is tricky to get this done currently with stair designer. I had to add a flight between the landings of 0.01 mm long and adapt the height of the landings so that the stair would keep a constant step height.
Step 6 is a ghost step and needs to be removed from the DXF drawings as this is the step from that very small flight.
There is still work on this to optimize all parts but it something you can work with. Let me know your findings

August 7, 2014

Hi Michael,
Please add a drawing of the stair you need and I will check and revert with some explanations

I’m pretty new to the software, I’ve made about 10 flights in the last few weeks, all winding flights or straight, and one with a single quarter turn, so I have been able to select templates every time and modify those. My next job is involves two quarter landings forming a 180 degree turn. So far Ive tried the half landing option, but cant seem to add a riser centrala to the landing to create the two quarters, Ive tried the straight flight with quarter landing at the top and tried adding a flight, but cant seem to make that work, any advice?
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