Wood Designer forum
Penetation of steps in stringboards in SD7|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

November 8, 2013

Hi Hasse, we agree it would be beneficial to include this feature relating to the step penetration in the stringboard edges, it makes complete sense.
As Michel mentioned this is a quite new situation which did not exist in version 6 as all links were mitred. It’s has been added to our list of future upgrades, thank you for bringing it to our attention.

August 7, 2014

Hi Hasse,
the reason why you have not that same problem in sd6 is because there is only 1 connection type between the stringers and this is miter SD7 has more options. You can also choose miter and this will fix your edge issue but not your visual issue as this will deform the stringer due to the miter cut.
Sd7 is better than sd6 but is not yet up to all features of SD6 but in this case SD7 is definitely better 😉

August 7, 2014

Hi Hase,
I see what you mean. The stringbord edges are not getting penetrated as it is only a pocket created due to the dept of the step on the top side of the stringer. A solution is instead of using a stringer you need to use a newel post with the same size then the stringer . Posts allow depth cuts on all sides . Offcourse you can not edit them in shape as you can with the stringer so I propose you to use the stringer version for visual result and make a newel post version for the production side . In your cad program you can adapt the newel post to the same shape as the stringer version to get the same result on the build.

August 7, 2014

Hi Hasse,
you have a penetration of 12mm on all steps and stringers. I do not see any problem.
You can check by selecting the stringboard and then go to links in the property screen. Select steps. There you see that a penetration of 12mm is set for steps and risers
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