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Please send me the files for this stair|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
August 7, 2014
Hi Pierre
the stair is exactly the same except that I added that piece of stringboard below the top step. I didn’t know if this step was included in the stair or not. So you can cut it away if it is not needed.
Hi Michel
I was about to mark the position of the cut string on the wall in the room in Blender and I realize you added 10 cm to the length of the stairway; result is that the cut string and the stairway do not fit the size of the room; the cut string you sent is 3300 in lieu of 3200.
Can you change all this to fit with the 3200 length?
August 7, 2014
Hi Pierre
Here is the stairfile. I changed the banisters to 14mm.
August 7, 2014
Hi Pierre,
Sorry I did not finish the landing step accordingly in my version. Here is the corrected version.
The total length of this flight is 2500mm from start until the back of the landing step. Also, the newel is moved to the back of the stair.
If OK I will send you the stairfile documents.
August 7, 2014
Hi Pierre,
I made some corrections on the stair for a better build
tenon connections on the stringboards and newels
riser grooved into the steps and plunging behind the steps
penetration of the steps in the newels and stringboards set to 15mm
Another question
you do not have a landing step on this stair so now it means that the flight length is measured between the flight start and the nose of step 15. The length is set to 3200 which I presume is the total needed length to connect flush with the level floor. I added a landing step so that the total including that step is now 3200.
Please check and confirm if this is correct. If you see this as a final product please confirm so that I can send you the documents.
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