Wood Designer forum
Project stair|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
August 7, 2014
Hi Thijs,
You can see this when you select the flight it colours the flight. It is visible that the last step is not included.
To set the landing step inside the flight measurement, you have to right-click and add a landing with the position in the stairwell. You only extended the stringboards, which automatically handle the extension outside the stairwell.
New files attached
Hi Michel,
I now noticed that the program added 100mm to the lenght of flight 2. I now see thats because off the landing step (you can’t see this dimension in demo mode, nor do you a warning of this ). This makes my stair to big for the room i have. Can you make the attached stair smaller in that length so that i have from left side of the stairs to right side of the landingsstep riser 2962mm length in flight 2? (i attached also a drawing explanation of this )
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