Wood Designer forum
stairwell on 3 sides of stairs|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
January 20, 2017
You’ll find the stairfiles attached, so don’t hesitate to contact me if you need anything, or if I’ve forgotten anything.
Included standard DXF files for CNC
Cheers, Alex
July 9, 2017
Hi Alex
I have attached some pictures of the banisters we are using and just wanted to ask are they going to be in the program on the steps to be machined out?
They are 12mm at the bottom and go into 34mm in the middle so in my program I would put them down as 12mm thickness and 90mm apart or would I have to change that?
Once we have this sorted we should be ready to get the parameters off you.
Manny Thanks
January 20, 2017
You must start with the landing step, because the landing level cannot be lower than the previous landing step.
Cheers, Alex
July 9, 2017
Hi Michel
we are almost done with this stairs we just need to change the height of the stairs from 2927 to 2910 due to a change from timber floor to carpet on the landing.
is this possible to do this on our end and if so can you send me a video of how if it can be done.
Many thanks
Regards Dominic
August 7, 2014
Hi Dominic,
The outside curve on the stair start is not currently doable as you like it in stairdesigner due to technical restrictions in relation to the step. However, the curve in the inner corner is possible, and I have added it.
About the steps from step 16 are purely visual. In the pictures I see in your earlier posts, the stairwell has already been made and is part of the upper floor. As long as your design fits perfectly with the size of your stairwell, there should be no problem, as you are not actually going to build these steps. Please look at the model I added and check that the shape and size of your upper floor match 100 % with the stair design.
July 9, 2017
Hi Michel
I am attaching a dxf file of what we are trying to achieve.
the bottom three steps are curved
the handrail curved at the bottom
It also contains a drawing of the first floor plan and shows the layout of bedrooms and hallway
Ideally this dxf file needs to be converted or created to stair designer or as close to it if posable or a video on how to do all these steps are selfs
I would like to thank you in advance for all your assistance
July 9, 2017
Hi Michel
I have added 3 pictures of what we are trying to achieve with this stairs.
Is it posable to curve the inside of the first landing by a radios of 200mm I have a picture attached with it marked in yellow.
Step 16 is what we are looking for but we dont need step 18/19 due to the wall been there so step 17 would also run into the wall as shown in the drawing i have done in the first picture.
I have attached a photo showing an overview of the stairs design, as you can see I need to change the landing on left to a wall with a doorway either side to allow access into bedrooms.
We dont need newel posts now we would be looking for a continues handrail if this was posable.
I hope I have outlined everything clearly, please come back to me if you need any further clarification
July 9, 2017
Hi Michel
I have attached two pictures in a bigger format will yellow ring around them so hope you can see them.
Step 16 is what we are looking for but we dont need step 18/19 due to the wall been there so step 17 would also run into the wall as shown in the drawing i have done in the first picture.
Is it posable to curve the inside of the first landing by a radios of 200mm I have a picture attached with it marked in yellow.
We dont need newel posts now we would be looking for a continues handrail if this was posable.
I have also added a few pictures of the stairs that you helped us with a few years ago and some other stairs we have done
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