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step design|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Shane,
I have contacted Joe Cappelli who has confirmed that you need extra CAM software to input you DXF into your machine.
I have contacted the editors of a CAM package called ASPAN by Atool Software in Italy who said that their software will work with your machine and they will be sending me more information.
I’ll keep you updated.
All the best,
PS I’ll start a new thread on this theme in the CNC section of the forum.
October 4, 2012
Hi Shane,
To add landings you start by building the stair to the stair well sizes.
By default the program will divide the stair tread line into equal parts and put winders around the turns and then you click right on one of the winders (usually the middle one) and choose “landing step” in the menu.
This divides the stair into 2 flights, one each side of the landing step. This makes it possible to create 2 different tread lines each side of the landing step.
You can now click right on the landing step and choosing “properties” change the position, angle and height of the landing step.
You can look at this video to see how to do this.
Hope this is helpful
Ok, Thanks Ness.
Also, when creating 2 flights, a typical winder configuration appears. I give the winding coefficient 100 which is what I like, but could i actually change the winders for a landing where the program automatically adds the other 2 steps at the initial flight?
Reason being, sometimes a client would want a door installed under the landing or most people just like landings.
Thanks for you help.
October 4, 2012
Hi Shane,
Ok got it.
I’ll contact him and get back to you.
All the best,
October 4, 2012
Hi Shane,
Can you send me the contact details of your tech guy so that I can get more details on your machine?
All the best,
October 4, 2012
Hi Shane,
Thanks for the information, I’ll look into how to getyou machine to work with the DXF files.
You might have to buy a CAM program to interface the DXF with your machine code.
Can you send me the contact details of your tech guy if I need more info?
All the best,
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