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August 7, 2014

Hi Colin,
Here is your stairfile

August 7, 2014

Hi Colin
OK. You know that your flights have a total width of 1040mm now. If that is ok for you and you declare this to be final I will send you the stairfile documents.

August 7, 2014

Hi Colin,
Here is the view of your stair step so that it becomes more clear on the measurements.
as explained before, you set all your stringboards outside the stairwell so this means that the flight width is now the space between the stringboards.
In your case 1040mm. A straight step is now 1080mm large as you have 20mm penetration left and right in the stringers.
The width of the flights are now 1040 + 2*70 = 1180 mm
Attached you will find the plan view

Hi Michel,
Thank you for your help and comments,
I have changed the handrails to tenons as you suggested and have with hindsight decreased the height of the handrail to 900.
Also increased the stair width to 1040 for a 900 tread width.
With a bit of luck we might be there!
Appreciate your patience.

August 7, 2014

Hi Colin,
Look indeed better but why have you set all stringboards outside the stairwell? It can happen to need this in some occasions on just 1 stringer but you did so for all which in fact has no added value. The downside is that you have to add the thickness of the stringboards to read the total width of a flight?
810mm + 2 times 70mm = 950. If the stringboards were as in a standard situation set in the stairwell you just had to indicate a flight width of 950. This is just a remark to make life easier.
I aligned newel the newel posts as it was due to the type of post so I had to replace a post and align it properly.
I added length to the stringboards you mentioned so that they connect with the floor. You can do this by just increasing the width of the stringboards.
I noticed that you made a full penetration of the stringboards into the newels. I would advise creating a tenon connection so that you have a better finished view after connection. I added this also. You can do the same to the handrails if you like this option.
Finally the step penetration into the stringboards. The general rule is to penetrate 1/3 of the thickness. In your case, it would be 23mm but I set it to 20mm.
Have a look and revert with your comments
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