I often use horizontal laminates for building central cut strings.
As these parts have to support the whole weight of the stair, they have to have a large depth and thickness. Horizontal laminates enables me to make these parts easily while also saving time to produce a part that is exceptionally ridge and strong.
Here are a couple of photos of central cut strings being built in the workshop.

As well as being used for central cut strings this technique is also very handy for building any curved string, whether it be a cut string or a boxed string.
Here’s a stair that I made several years ago that has a simple boxed string. This stair is in elm. The curved strings are made using horizontal laminates. The string has been built wider, and the curved handrails are cut from the strings.
Note that the stair sits on a curved Estrada in elm that is also made using horizontal laminates. The same technique is used to make the curved risers.
Here’s a photo of the handrail cut from the upper edge of the string and ready to have the upper and lower edges veneered.

The stair rests on a curved estrade with bowed first steps and curved risers.

The first stair continues across the landing into a second flight that rises up 3 steps to an intermediary level.

For more information on building curved stairs with horizontal laminates have a look at our other blog articles.
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Finally, please check out our stair software solution which makes design and manufacture much faster and more accurate.
We have options to buy the software or use it for free in conjunction with our Premium Support package – great for one-off projects.
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