StairDesigner is able to handle the different types of newel posts you would typically need in any stair project. It also allows for precise positioning control, firstly in the standard settings you have access to, but also using the editing tool and coordinate system.
And because it’s parametric software, it will do the hard work for you…calculate and recalculate all the complex geometry as you design, with instant output of 100% accurate cut lists, plans and CNC files.
You can apply your preferences fast and efficiently in the link parameter settings, or create technical presets in StairDesigner’s manufacturing methods for click of a button application every time.
In StairDesigner we can identify 3 different types of newel posts:
- End newel posts
- Corner newel posts
- Intermediate newel posts
Newel posts can be added, removed, shifted and edited individually or across the whole stair.
General newel post settings and use
End newel post
- Used at either end of a stair
- Lateral and longitudinal offsets with choice of reference axis
- Top and base height settings
- Section shapes (square, rectangular, circular)
Longitudinal offset limited to 50% of the total width.
Corner newel post
- Used on cornering stairs
- Lateral previous and – next side offsets with choice of reference axis
- Orientation (reference side to use with angled flight >90°<)
- Top and base height settings
- Section shapes (square, rectangular, circular and diamond tip)
Intermediate Newel Post
- Used along the flight lengths e.g for a bullnose step
- Lateral and longitudinal offsets with choice of reference axis
- Top and base height settings
- Section shapes (square, rectangular, circular)
- Position (absolute or relative) = positioning along the flight length
Longitudinal offset limited to 50% of the total width.
Here is a series of videos showing a selection of the management options for newels posts.
The first video shows some of the general parameters of the different newel types.
The other 3 videos below show the interaction and connection possibilities between newels and other stair elements.
Newel post general parameters
Newel and stringboard assembly
Newel and step assembly
Newel and handrail assembly
StairDesigner’s parametric behaviour
When adding a newel post all associated connections to other stair components will be applied according to their individual settings and your manufacturing method presets.
Material usage will be recalculated and the manufacturing data will be updated. StairDesigner resizes, recalculates and redefines the manufacturing outputs immediately.
Cutting lists, 1:1 templates, DXF and other CNC output files, and the 3D view will be dynamically revised in real time after every edit. This makes StairDesigner fast, efficient and error free when resizing and redesigning elements of your stair as your project develops.
Newel post design and manufacturing tips
Where possible use a tenon connection between the newels and stringers as this gives a precise location reference for assembly and also strong vertical pressure stability.
The intermediate newel post is the most flexible newel type. It is easy to move around and can even be used to create 3D enhancements or even to add additional stair components.
Enhancement possibilities:
- Walls, doors, windows and floor textures
- Cover plates, lower balustrade rails
Newel post manufacturing output options
StairDesigner provides different outputs to manufacture your stair parts:
- Workshop PDF document with plans of each part
- DXF geometric files for CNC manufacturing
- Postprocessor native files for a range of CNC brands
- 1:1 scale templates
- Detailed cutting lists, also in the workshop PDF document
2D plans in workshop PDF document
StairDesigner provides clear precise documentation of each newel on the stair containing all the data like size, face position, top view and drawing of each face with machining details
DXF geometric files for CNC manufacturing
With his wide variety of DXF postprocessors, StairDesigner creates precise layered DXF files that can be used by cad-cam software to process the machine code for the CNC.
Post processor native file formats for CNC manufacturing
Files for CNC manufacturers can also be generated as below for BiesseWorks.
Available formats are:
- BiesseWorks and bSolid CID CIX
- woodWOP MPR
- Direct NC-HOPS
- Xilog Plus and Maestro XXL PGMX
1:1 scale templates
StairDesigner can generate full-size template files for printing of all stair parts that can be used for production purposes where no CNC is available.
Detailed cutting list
Finally, StairDesigner can output clear and well organised cutting list data.
Would you like to give StairDesigner a try?
The free version of StairDesigner is available to download and test. All design features are available, just the output is locked (sample output is available on the download page). Click here to download the free version.
If you’re a stair manufacturer, you can purchase the software to unlock the output. We have two versions to choose from depending on whether you need CNC output. Click here for more information on our 3D calculator for stairs.
Or, for a single project, why not try our StairFile service? Continue to use the free version and we’ll process the output for you, plus you’ll get access to expert technical support via our forum.
The StairFile service is included in a Premium Support subscription, click here to sign up today.
For enquiries and to request a demo, contact us here.
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