PolyBoard, OptiNest and VCarve Pro work together to streamline the entire cabinet production process, from initial design, through optimization to machine processing, including stock management and advanced labelling.

This article provides an overview of the design-to-manufacturing workflow as showcased in this supporting video demonstration, applicable to projects of any scale.

Design in PolyBoard

PolyBoard is a cabinet modeling software that integrates seamlessly with the optimization software, OptiNest. This combination allows for the direct output of DXF files into the industrial-grade optimization software, with advanced features like perfect grain management.

As well as offering fast and 100% accurate design, PolyBoard generates all project components and tooling information, which can then be efficiently managed within OptiNest and VCarve Pro.

PolyBoard’s post processor set up
PolyBoard’s configurable post processor set up

Export your design to OptiNest

OptiNest is an industrial-grade optimization software that offers perfect grain management, customisable labeling setups with QR codes and barcodes, and efficient stock and off-cut management.

Nesting pattern in OptiNest with labels
Nesting pattern in OptiNest, plus data rich label output

It excels in nesting multi-material projects and can intelligently recognise sheet sizes and component dimensions during the nesting process.

The key benefits of using OptiNest Pro with PolyBoard include:

  • A smooth and automatic integration
  • Significant reduction in waste
  • Effective material and off-cut stock management, reintroduce off-cuts into future projects
  • Optimization efficiency, even for complex shapes
  • Detailed optimization parameters and reports
  • Customisable labeling options including all-important placement, rotation and edging guides
  • Onward integration with CAM software such as VCarve Pro
  • User friendly interface

On to VCarve Pro to output your CNC files

After optimization and label generation are complete, OptiNest can export DXF files, ensuring a smooth transition into VCarve Pro for further processing.

In VCarve Pro, pre-nested sheet materials from OptiNest can be imported with all parts and tooling layers. Sheets can be imported individually via the bitmap importer or as an entire project using the Wood Designer OptiNest Importer. The Wood Designer OptiNest Importer streamlines the workflow by importing all sheets in a project in a single action.

VCarve showing parts nested on sheet material
VCarve showing parts nested on sheet material with toolpaths applied

Once the nested sheets are imported, a toolpath template can be applied, allowing VCarve Pro to automatically assign pre-existing toolpaths to the corresponding tooling layers. If any tooling does not have a pre-defined toolpath, VCarve Pro makes it easy to create new tooling actions and add them to existing toolpath templates.

VCarve Pro can then export to the appropriate post processor for immediate machine code generation.

The benefits of incorporating VCarve Pro into the workflow, alongside PolyBoard and OptiNest Pro, include:

  • Automated machining code generation for a wide range of CNC machines
  • Advanced toolpath creation options, highly automated to save time and avoid input errors
  • Toolpath simulations
  • Custom machine set-up
  • Easy to learn and configure

VCarve comes with a large number of post processors for 100s of CNCs already. If you don’t see the post processor you need, it is almost always possible to create a new post processor for you.

We have more information on VCarve Pro here, including how to download and access sample files to test with your CNC machine.

Contact us here if you would like a demonstration of the integration and to discuss how to implement this configuration in your workshop.

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