Wood Designer forum
November 8, 2013
Hi Akbar, as a Full member you can now use our CabinetFile Lite service to get the workshop document containing the cuttings lists and plans, plus the 3D DXF file. 1 project/month is free, more are £17 each. Just post your Polyboard file to the forum, we’ll process it and send you back the manufacturing output.
If you need 2D DXF files of each part and other extras, this is included in the CabinetFile Pro service – this is a paid service which you can buy here:
For more info on the CabinetFile Lite and Pro services and their differences, click below:
You also asked about libraries. Depending on when you first downloaded Polyboard, you may have our Quick Design libraries installed already. If not, you can download them from this page (see the first video on that page and the download button below it):
We’ve got lots of Blum hardware included in that. You can use those or copy and modify them as you wish. Please also read the Quick Design guides that are downloadable from the same page.
If you need help with getting started with your library, let us know on the forum. We also have a service where we set up your entire library for you. You can find details of that on our training page here:
All the best, Stefan
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