1-2-1 training and support
Expert advice when and where you need it.
For our structured training programmes and specialist support packs please contact us to confirm the best mix of packs for your needs and to receive a quote.
Alternatively, our multi-use support packs can be ordered directly from our online store.
Links to the content of each pack can be found below.
25% discount if bought with software
Intensive support to get the very best out of your software
Help with any blocks you have to completing your woodwork projects
Design support for your projects or your customers' projects
Examples of the personalised support we provide
Not sure how to start benefiting from your new software?
Follow our structured training programmes tailored to your needs. Start with the basics or jump into advanced design set up and hardware/library management.
Need to adapt our software to specific manufacturing methods and hardware use?
With personal support we will lead you through the process of customizing our software to mirror your design and manufacturing preferences. A very effective way to work faster and better and with less stress.
Looking for support with the integration of our software and your CNC machine?
Configure our software to work with your CNC set up, including automatic tool selection for highly optimised production and fast, 100% accurate assembly.
Hesitant about accepting a job you've never done before?
Expand your skill set…we can work on complex project designs with you, from advanced cabinetry to curved stairs and stair parts.
Access a lifetime of expert knowledge today
Online training packs are recorded so you can watch them again later!
1 hour online is worth 3 hours on site!
Watch your training session again in your own time, think about questions for the next one or ask on the forum between sessions.
Plus no more downtime in the workshop blocking out days at a time!
The perfect fit if...
Some of the businesses profiting from our training and support services
Dean Price
Tees Tech Joinery
"We took advantage of a library set up pack which got my own skills and knowledge of PolyBoard up and running very quickly along, with working alongside the team at Wood Designer to create my own set of manufacturing methods I use daily."
PolyBoard + OptiNest + SCM CNCs
Dan Johnson
Caterpillar Inc.
"Our team were more than happy with PolyBoard, but on top of that what we really appreciated was being able to commission a series of custom units to meet our exact requirements. Along with the training we received, this was a very effective way to get to the manufacturing stage as quickly and efficiently as possible."
PolyBoard + Holz-her CNC saws
Escalier Artisanal de l’Estrie Inc.
"Thanks for your help. Since I started my company three years ago, your techniques and advice continue to help and inspire my work."
StairDesigner training programme
1-2-1 software training and support packs
See below for details
1-2-1 online
Structured training packs and set up sessions to get you up and running fast and ensure you maximise the benefits of your new software
1-2-1 online
Structured training packs and set up sessions to get you up and running fast and ensure you maximise the benefits of your new software
VCarve ProPacks
1-2-1 online
Structured training packs and set up sessions to get you up and running fast and ensure you maximise the benefits of your new software
4 hrs, flexible sessions
Flexible support option, use the time to work on a specific design project or as an alternative to the forum support
Session times may vary or we may work on your behalf outside a face to face session
25% discount if bought with software
All support and training orders include...
3 months' Premium Support
Then a lifetime 50% discount
Online training portfolio
Recordings of your online training sessions to watch and download later
Quick Design libraries
Access to all hardware, manufacturing methods and models
On demand service
Request hardware and other library elements, custom videos and models