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built out wardrobes in alcove|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

October 4, 2012

Hi Jim,
I’m hoping to do a few more videos on alcoves in the near future.
I’d like to go into details and setup some generic templates to help everyone doing this sort of work.
Not being a specialist in alcoves myself, if you can send me the details of how you build them with Terry’s details I’ll try to set up a working method that can be applied to everyone.
In the mean time the best videos on the subject are:
You might also find other videos in the training area that are useful.
All the best,

October 4, 2012

Sure just send me anything you got so that I get the right idea.
Cabinet files and photos should be fine
All the best,

October 4, 2012

Hi Terry,
No problem to make you a video but could you post a plan or sketch so that I fully understand the construction details.
Not sure what you mean by “Right hand side needs to be built out to oversail the breast of the chimney” for example.
A photo or sketch would make it clearer for me.
All the best,

Hi Ness
I would really like to see a video tutorial on built out wardrobes in an alcove. Its a big part of what I do and Im sure many others.
I know you have covered setting up alcoves previously and that was really helpful but as an partner piece to that tutorial it would
be really helpful to see something that is built out being made in those alcoves but built out.
Things that i’d like to see covered are adding filler pieces to left hand side but oversizing for scribing……filler piece to top
oversized for scribing. Right hand side needs to be built out to oversail the breast of the chimney. I know you’ve covered all of this
in different videos but to have one video detailing the whole build would be really useful.
Obviously we all have different methods of construction but if we assumed plinth 50mm, 50 mm top filler, 50 mm left side scribe and then a method to get the parts to build out the right hand side etc. I often find myself making things up as i go along on these jobs and having to go back to my garage to cut more parts as there often isn’t any room in the bedroom, and Im keen to get away from this practice and have slightly oversized parts and all the parts to hand which can be easily adapted on site.
Thanks very much if you’ve got the time at some point……. i think many others will benefit from this too.
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