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Need manufacturing doc|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

October 4, 2012

Hi Antony,
The cutting list in txt can be opened directly into excel using a “;” as separator.
The columns have been set up in Polyboard like this:
But you can set them up in any order you want.
I attach a zip file that contains the excel file that I made this way.
This project contains no machining details and I’m sorry but I can not regenerate this project a second time.
I suggest you buy the full version and then use the free hours training so that I can help you to setup all the output as you need it.
All the best,

Dear Ness
The cutlist is in txt file and cannot be used. We need it in microsoft excel format. can you send that please so that we can check it in our optimiser
We couldn’t see any machining details except the dado (groove). I think that is because i haven’t set it up. I’ll try to set it up and can i send them again…?
Thanks in advance

October 4, 2012

Hi Antony,
Here are the files.
As agreed, I haven’t checked them, nor are they necessarily set up the best way to suit your needs.
There are many options for setting up the workshop documents, cutting lists, labels, edging, dxf files etc…to get them to fit your specific needs, so consider this output as just an example.
If you need anything specific just let me know.
All the best,

Dear Ness,
I’ve uploaded the project file I’m working on. Please send me the following manufacturing docs
1. Complete shop drawings
2. Each cabinet drawing with its cutlist, hardware list, exploded drawing and parts drawings
3. Complete cutlist in excel format so that we can realign the columns as per the requirement of the requirement of the optimisation software we have
4. Labels with edge banding details and part diagram
5. Assembly details
Thanks in advance. Cheers

October 4, 2012

Hello Antony,
Here is a compressed file that contains the project Medall MCC saidapet manufacturing documents.
In the project folder you will find the files processed from the project that contain all the cabinets.
In the other folders I have created some of the working documents for a few separate cabinets.
The project folder contains the cutting list exported in txt and imported into excel :
I have used a standard formatting that we usually set up for our Partner Suppliers, but you can of course use and column order and formatting that you want.
You can see that I have linked the cutting list to the CNC export so that each part has its machine file name attached.
Note that it is possible to print the bar codes of the machine files onto the labels of each part. This enables you to use a scanner on the label to load the correct machine file.
The project folder contains the workshop document for all the cabinets so there are global views dimensioned of the project, cutting lists and hardware but no exploded views:
The separate workshop documents for each cabinet will print the exploded views with part numbering, the cutting list that concerns the cabinet with panels and hardware lists and detailed plans of each part:

The project folder also contains the labels print out for the entire project in pdf. The labels can be set up as you want to include any specific information and bar codes if necessary.
In the project folder, you will also find a “optimised” folder where I have also included the cutting lists optimised by Opticut.
the ocp.pd file contains the report cutting maps for the project optimised onto 2800×2070 sheets.
Opticut will also print labels adapted to the cutting organisation so I have also included a pdf file of the Opticut labels.
The Homag WoodWop CNC files are in the project/pp out put folder.
They are arranged by cabinet and you will also find PP-report txt file that can also be formated as necessary.
Note that the CNC files will require setting up according to the machine set up, so these are only rough examples.
Note that if you are running Polyboard with a chinese CNC you will usually need to use the DXF output that will need a CAD/CAM program like Vcarve to interface with your machine.
Here is a video that shows Polyboard running with Vcarve on a nesting CNC machine:
and here’s one that show how to set up Polyboard with Vcarve.
I hope that this is helpful.
All the best,

Dear Ness,
Can you please post the all the output docs polyboard can produce…
- Cutlist in excel format… (can we customise it to the columns we require…)
- Labels for every parts and labels for every packing or every cabinet.
- Individual product doc with exploded view, drawing with dimensions, cutlist, hardware list
- Total hardware list for the project
- Packing list
- Sheet material report
- CNC files for Homag BHX 050 so that we can check with the manufacturer for compatibility
Thank you

October 4, 2012

Hello Antony,
I have cleaned up a bit your project using the Quick Design libraries so that you have at least coherent hardware, edging and assembly details. This may make some elements slightly different than your original model as the Quick Design apply standard slack values to doors drawers etc.
The 3D colours are only the colour or texture applied to the material, so have no incidence on manufacturing.
I attach the workshop document for this project.
Hope this is helpful.
All the best,

Hi Ness
It is ok to have a large no of cabinets as this will aid for better understanding. However if you think there is something wrong with this can you please explain. In fact i have created a manufacturing method with all the necessary details except the linking method. I decided that is needed only for a CNC based production. As we are only doing manual machining we felt it is ok. 🙂 though not sure about it
When i upload the file i think i’m missing something there. Because the output i took from my design was the one with the colour and material as i’ve uploaded (white carcass and wood texture door) But when you gave the pic it was all wood colour. Just wanted you to clarify me the correct way of doing it
Antony S Brighton

October 4, 2012

Hi Antony,
Do you mean the Kitchen.pb-proj ?
If so do you realise that this project is no set up correctly ?
Not only that but this projet contains a lot of materials and going through and checking all the parts will be long and tedious.
To test Polyboard output I would suggest that you send me one cabinet file. That we help you set it up correctly according to your needs and then we send the correct manufacturing documents that you can examine in detail.
All the best,
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