Wood Designer forum
Fitting between drawer-front and counter-frontage|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

January 20, 2017

The rules are given as examples, but you can restore, create or use your own rules.
The most important is to use
xx-xx/x00-N rule when bottom under passing (No priority)
xx-xx/x00-p rule when bottom overpassing (Priority)
All the best, Alex

January 20, 2017

You can use 2 links with drawer bottom
First link between Drawer ( frontage ) with drawers bottom and using rules like 80-80/800 n (ref to follow bottom)
Second between drawers bottom with counter-frontage (drawer) and using rules like 80-80/800 p (ref to follow bottom again)
When you apply manually don’t forget to permute the face
But don’t worry when using in sub-methods, link is automatically permuted
example in Sub-methods
please find example attached, but you certainly need to adjust height of drilling I have set to 50mm from bottom
hope that’s helpful, Alexandre

Hello everybody
need urgently an hint on how to to make a through hole in the counter-frontage and a corresponding blind recess in the drawer front.
Counter-frontage should have a through hole dia. 5 mm to allow positioning a screw and the front-drawer (inside side) should have a dia. 20 mm hole 8 mm depth aligned with it (same axis) . Obviously there are couple of them for any given drawer.
This kind of tooling is needed to insert a front drawer “regulator”.
Looking into left panel of “fitting link list” window I can only see a link between “top drawer” and “counter frontage” of a certain type of drawer. A question that arise is what is the concept of “TOP” drawer and the second is if it is possible to make tooling on panels that lies flat one over the other (like front-drawer together with its counter -frontage).
Thanks for any help
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